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The United States says it is “fully prepared” to lift sanctions against Iran, “contrary” to its nuclear deal promises.

The United States says it is “fully prepared” to lift sanctions against Iran, “contrary” to its nuclear deal promises.


15 dic 2021 01:05 GMT

Joe Biden, the United States Permanent Representative to the United Nations, has promised that the United States is ready to return to compromise. [del acuerdo]Until Iran does the same. ”

United States “Fully readyTo remove sanctions against Iran within the framework of the Joint Comprehensive Action Plan (JCPOA) signed in 2015, He said This Tuesday Linda Thomas-Greenfield, U.S. Permanent Representative to the UN, during a meeting of the organization’s Security Council. According to him, President Joe Biden said, “The United States is ready to go back to compromise. [del acuerdo], Until Iran does the same“.

“We are fully prepared to lift sanctions that are contrary to our JCPOA pledges, which will allow Iran to gain. Economic benefits of the contract. We firmly believe that if Iran approaches the Vienna talks urgently and in good faith, it will be able to quickly reach an understanding of mutual return and implement it. “

However, Thomas-Greenfield said that after a five-month hiatus, Tehran had taken an unreasonable position in the international talks on Iran’s nuclear program in Vienna, aimed at convincing the country of the need to take action to ensure that. Does not develop nuclear weapons.

“We cannot allow Iran to accelerate its nuclear program and reduce its nuclear diplomacy,” he said. “I’m sorry to hear that this is what is happening at the JCPOA talks in Vienna. Iran has welcomed the resumption of talks. New nuclear provocations He continued to present vague, unreliable, maximal and constructive positions on nuclear and sanctions issues during the talks, “the ambassador said.

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Iran’s position

For his part, he is a senior official in the Iranian Foreign Ministry Announced In early December, the United States “reluctant” to lift sanctions against the Islamic Republic altogether.The biggest obstacleThe government spokesman said that the way to reach an agreement would be opened immediately “until Washington abandons the maximum pressure campaign and the European parties show the necessary political will to carry out negotiations to revive the JCPOA.”

Also, Tehran Insisted It is impossible to withdraw the 2015 nuclear deal.Without verifiable and effective removal of all obstacles“.

Petition from the UN

The United Nations has already urged the United States to lift sanctions against Iran To extend exemptions To oil importing countries. In addition, Rosemary DiCarlo, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs and Peacebuilding Was contacted “The extension of US exemptions to certain civilian activities related to the nuclear deal at the Busher nuclear power plant, the Fordo facility, and the Arak reactor is also significant.”

“Exemption extensions are needed to replace enriched uranium from the Islamic Republic of Iran in exchange for natural uranium,” he added.

Negotiations on Iran's nuclear program resume after a five - month stalemate

End of road

However, Nicolas de Rivier, France’s ambassador to the UN, Warned This Tuesday, “Iran’s nuclear program Not much better than today“This nuclear expansion underscores the need for international peace and security and the undermining of the global nuclear non-proliferation system.”

“Iran must choose between the collapse of the JCPOA and a fair and comprehensive agreement. Iran’s continued nuclear expansion means that we are rapidly reaching the end of the road.” It “aims to renew an agreement. Is being destroyed For Iran’s nuclear development. “

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In turn, the British envoy stressed that the United Nations should respond harshly if the talks failed.

“The reason is in the United States, not in Iran”

Meanwhile, from Russia they pointed out that the root cause of the problems in the negotiations to comply with the agreement was not Tehran’s actions but Washington’s actions. “We will be objective. Do not forget that the root cause of all the current problems is precisely in the path of the United States, not in Iran.” He said Russia’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Dmitry Polyansky.

Similarly, Moscow stressed the countries Do not put pressure About negotiations. “I’m sure they are [los negociadores] They show a pragmatic and constructive approach aimed at finding a balance of interests and finding solutions that are applicable to all, “said Polyanski.

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