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Russia, China and India condemn trade protectionism and unilateral sanctions

Russia, China and India condemn trade protectionism and unilateral sanctions


26 November 2021 19:28 GMT

The foreign ministers of the three countries said in a virtual meeting that they refuse to accept the various negative practices of the Western countries.

Russia, China and India condemn trade protectionism, politically motivated unilateral sanctions and the use of force in international affairs. He said Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Friday held a virtual meeting with his colleagues from both countries.

In turn, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi also condemned partisanship and protectionism. Similarly, he focused his critique on global opposition, domination and “politics from force positions” that “challenge world peace and development”.

Wang said China would work with Russia and India on the framework of transparency, solidarity and cooperation within this tripartite framework. Among other priorities for joint action, the Chinese Foreign Minister cited the need for democracy to contribute to international relations. Economic recovery, Support for global peace and stability. “

“In this complex and changing world, China, Russia and India can make their contribution by relying on their own decisions and strengths,” said the head of Chinese diplomacy.

For his part, Indian Foreign Minister Subramaniam Jaisankar, Prediction Suggests the importance of “recognizing the world as a family” and the “human-oriented approach to global development, without leaving anyone behind”. He also proposed to co-operate in providing humanitarian assistance to the people of Afghanistan.

In the final statement, the ministers reiterated their commitment to cooperation between the three countries, which will have a positive impact on global security and development.

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