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President Lula da Silva orders intervention in Brazil’s federal district after Bolsonaro attack | news

Brazil’s president, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, on Sunday ordered federal intervention in the federal district after Bolsonaro’s forces attacked the Republican Congress, the Planaldo Palace and the headquarters of the Federal Supreme Court.

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Supporters of Jair Bolsonaro occupy three government headquarters in Brasilia.

The decree, signed by the Brazilian president and taking effect this Sunday, says the intervention will last until January 31, 2023, and “is intended to put an end to a serious threat to public order in the State. Federal District”.

Lula da Silva announced that the executive secretary of the Ministry of Justice, Ricardo García Cappelli, had been nominated for the post of comptroller. He also said that those responsible for this act, which has caused unanimous condemnation, will be punished.

He also blamed former President Jair Bolsonaro for encouraging the attacks. “Those who did this will be found and punished. Democracy guarantees free speech, but it also requires people to respect institutions. There is no precedent in the history of the country for what they have done today. So they should be punished,” he reiterated.

At the same time, he mentioned that the responsibility of the Brasilia police force and the actions of the parties supporting them will also be investigated. “And we are going to find out who are the financiers of those who went to Brasilia today, and they will all pay with the force of law,” the Brazilian president said.

After his visit to the municipality of Arráguara in the state of São Paulo, the president noted, “On Sunday, when we were still forming the government, they took advantage of the silence to do what they did. You know there were many speeches by the former president to encourage that. It was his responsibility and the parties that supported him. Responsibility too,” he said.

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