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Pedro Cர்டrdoba, Hugo Carvajal and his brother, Gustavo Petro

Pedro Cர்டrdoba, Hugo Carvajal and his brother, Gustavo Petro
Gustavo Pedro

Due to the actions of the two bishops of the presidential candidate for the historic treaty Gustavo Pedro, La Picota’s high-security prison has become another focus of the presidential campaign in recent weeks.

72 hours ago, the leaders of the coalition met in an emergency at the headquarters of Polo Democratico, 72 hours ago, to assess the behavior of Senator-elect Pedro Cordoba to establish how far the task entrusted to them by Pedro could go. .

The candidate was ordered to suspend all his activities within the campaign “until he settles the legal charges against him favorably”.

Although he did not give further details, his other quorum was Roy Perez, who was responsible for ensuring that the senator’s income and the privileges he was to hand over to La Picota were behind this decision.

Prison and “social forgiveness”

The episode coincided with two other events that ended up shaking up the campaign and Pedro’s opponents making a profit.

One of them was the journey of a magistrate Supreme Court To Spain, ask General (r) chavista Hugo ‘Chicken’ Carvajal Pedro is said to have sponsored the Venezuelan regime.

Another, his brother Juan Fernando, visited La Picota (last April 8) to talk about ‘social forgiveness’ with the corrupt and ‘para-politicians’, which caused discomfort among his fighters and a rift with the candidate.

Two lawsuits in the United States could affect Pedro

Although Pedro came out to exclude himself and himself from these episodes, at least two of them promise to get legal consequences in the medium term.

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In the case of Piedad Córdoba, his future is not on the protocol of the historic agreement, which will be created next week.

Time Established that there were no two trials in the United States except one that touched on the beat.

First, revealed Time Since 2019, Nicolas Maduro has been associated with his financial relationship with Alex Chap, the product of opaque business activities with the regime.

This chapter evaluates the evidence and evidence of possible money laundering and violations of the Foreign Corruption Practices Act, which Cர்டrdoba denies.

Fat Cute, Petro
Drug Auxiliary Veteran Javier Zuluca Lindo, Cordo Lindo. Photo: EFE

The other, new and very early, was related to the offers he allegedly made to modify the handover when he went to La Picota, if Pedro won.

Under that expectation are the testimonies of detainees who stopped negotiations with the DEA. Request forms for the arrival of prisoners, some handy.

Key people

Attorney Antonio Gett said Time Prisoners include his clients: Javier Zuluca, Cர்டrdoba Lindo; And Oscar Moreno, ‘King of Narco-Semi-Submersibles’.

In addition, Jorge Vallejo Alarcón was appointed criminal head of Bello and Valle de Aburrá; And Juan Carlos Gusta, member of the ‘Gulf Clan’.

Geth added that he went to the prison with the senator’s brother, Alvaro Freddie Cordoba, as he was advising the detainee, and held joint working groups with the inmates, where he did not come forward to stop the extradition.

However, potential obstacles to justice in the United States are being assessed.

This is Petad Gorbopa’s ticket to La Picota prison. Photo: Weather

Court and chicken

As for the business dealings with Saab, they are linked to a file being filed against Pedro C கோrdoba by Supreme Court Magistrate Christina Lombana.

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However, other than the money being transferred as a result of the alleged Saab-related commissions in Colombia, there is another nerve in the file: the alleged political use of Beatty’s release of hostages at Fark’s hands and his closeness to that ex-him. Guerrilla, accusations that she also denies.

Last Friday, Lombana gathered a new witness in Spain into the process. He heard a statement from the imprisoned Crucifixione Prolio Augusto Sanchez, who was being investigated for murder, after which he was attacked.

Lombana used the day to seek the announcement of General (R) Savista Hugo ‘polo’ Carvajal after pointing out that Pedro was one of the politicians who had been paid by the Venezuelan regime to spread the Castro Gavista virus in Latin America.

Hugo The Chicken Carvajal
Hugo Carvajal, retired Army Major General and former director of military intelligence and counter-intelligence, is about to be deported to the United States. Photo: EFE

But revealed Time Initially, Karwajal refused to testify, arguing that he was in the process of being extradited to the United States.

“Information has been set aside to negotiate with the DEA and obtain reductions within the procedure followed for drug and arms smuggling in addition to corruption, which could cost him up to life in prison.” A source close to the process said in a court in southern New York.

He further added that although he has already started releasing information, the chapter on politicians has not yet been reached.

Petro’s important moments

However, in Pedro’s campaign – who was to be questioned – they cited ‘Pollo”s silence as evidence that his claims were not substantiated.

As for C கோrdoba, he explained that his visits to La Picota were due to family and legal reasons, after abstaining from the campaign and agreeing with his political boss’ decision to reject “consumer deals with drug lords in exchange for electoral support.” In the prelude to his deportation, he gives his support to his brother Alvaro. He said the ethics were subject to the commission and insisted that everything was set against him.

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In that case the historical contract is going to define how far they are going to go, in terms of facts and abilities.

As Colombia Humana’s attorney, Tacoperto Guerrero, explained, they (as the senator says) may conclude that the allegations against them are a trap. But despite being asked to suspend his possession as a congressman, the assessment is due next July 20th.

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