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“Nicolacito Maduro, the luxuries and scandals of the Latin oligarchy”

“Nicolacito Maduro, the luxuries and scandals of the Latin oligarchy”
World: "Nicolacito Maduro, The Journeys, Luxuries and Corruptions of the Latin Occult"
Battle of Nicolas Maduro. Photo: (nicmaduroguerra)

In an interview with VTV television, President Nicolas Maduro’s son, Nicolas Maduro, was asked what a day-to-day life would be like in his life, to which he replied: “There were no personal aspirations in the family. Our desire was to serve General Chavez,” the Spanish newspaper reported. The world The comprehensive work, written by Daniel Lozano, was released this Friday.

However, Nicolacito’s statement, as his father tells him, does not match the reports of the luxury places he travels to or the luxury restaurants he visits in Caracas. According to Infobae, Maduro Guevara enjoyed a “luxury holiday in Thailand” at the end of February, he said.

He revealed that his children were enrolled in an American school in Caracas, which cost about 20,000 euros. Salary The minimum has recently been 35 euros per month and the average monthly salary does not exceed 150 euros.

Millionaire legal protection

Maduro’s family represented Tamara in Spain in a lawsuit filed by former judge Baldassar Carson, Maduro’s father. SujuHuman Rights Defender.

“A tweet from a well-known activist in which Nicolacito said he was a ‘mafia gang’ led by his father provoked legal action, which would cost the plaintiff thousands of euros, according to legal sources,” he explained. The world.

Suzu complained of being harassed and threatened by “newly created accounts” on social media. “I reject them over and over again, but there are hundreds or thousands.”

Minerals of Nicolacito and Venezuela

The United States has accused Venezuela’s miners of profiting from the 2020 National Assembly by profiting from gold mines. Washington supports the report with secrets revealed by former Sebine director Christopher Figueroa, who revealed that Maduro Jr. bought gold from miners at low prices through miners in the state of Bolivar and then resold it to the bank at a premium. The center of Venezuela.

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For their part, representatives of the last legislature (mostly the opposition) have accused him of owning a golden mine in the Amazon, which is protected by the National Liberation Army.

“I see Nicolasito more in the erotic experience of power, as Romulo Bettencourt called it, than in the struggle for power. He’s a boy under his father, well. We do not know what it is because his father does what he asks, because you can not see it anywhere,” said political scientist Lewis. Salamanca said.

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