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Maduro, the Cartel of the Suns and the new wave of repression

Maduro, the Cartel of the Suns and the new wave of repression
FILE PHOTO: United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Durk bows as he leaves a meeting with dictator Nicolas Maduro at the Miraflores Palace in Caracas, Venezuela, January 27, 2023 (Reuters)

Nicolás Maduro It seems to have suddenly woken up. The sleep did not last long, but it was deep. It was so real that he thought he could make it work. He knew it would be a nightmare when he finally arrived. Later, he explained it in his own way. Without psychological help.

The Venezuelan dictator was keen on the idea of ​​leaving his country to attend the summit. Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), a regional political unit Chavismo And Cuba.

He hasn’t visited a South American country in over five years. When you decide to board a plane, make sure the ground you’re stepping on is firm enough to guarantee you won’t be detained. Those regimes are usually autocracies and dictatorships: Russia, Iran, China, Cuba, Turkey. And some are silenced, labeled or partnered by criminal organizations.

Ripe He is locked out of your country’s borders and into your cell. You cannot freely go out as you please. He is accused of the most serious crimes. In International Criminal Court in The Hague He was charged with the worst crimes of being the head of a state that committed kidnappings, tortures and murders. For being responsible for a cruel machine that persecutes those who think differently. His regime displaced 7,100,000 Venezuelans in a few years, who had to seek refuge and a new life in other parts of the world.

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But not only Hack He is investigating Ripe and his associates. A head of state is needed DEA In America, the body responsible for harassing and eliminating drug dealers. Evidence was collected to effect capture Office of the Attorney for the Southern District of New York. The person in charge is the solicitor Jeffrey Berman.

Berman It says 1999 to 2020 Ripe, God given hair Y Hugo Armando Carvajal Barrios,”Chicken”, among others “Participation in a corrupt and violent narco-terror conspiracy Sons poster And this Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)”. For the lawyer, Ripe “He helped lead and eventually lead the Los Soules cartel as it gained power in Venezuela.” Of the three, he is the closest to being extradited to the United States “The Chicken” CarvajalWho is detained? Spain Waiting to board the plane.

The Department of Justice American put a price on his head: 15 million dollars. The reward for providing information leading to his apprehension is at the same level as the placed Ismail Zambada GarciaA very popular partner, known as “El Mayo”. JOAQUIN GUZMAN LORA“El Chapo”, already convicted for drug trafficking America And will end his life FlorenceA maximum security prison Colorado.

United States Department of State (United States Department of State/Department of Justice) Arrest Request for Nicolas Maduro
United States Department of State (United States Department of State/Department of Justice) Arrest Request for Nicolas Maduro

A complaint set off alarms at the US Embassy Buenos Aires Knowing that Ripe He wanted to get down there to participate in it CELAC. The DEA warned. Chairman of Miraflores He feared being the protagonist of an international process that would bring him before a judge NY. He wanted to stay locked up Venezuela. To his fans, he offered a romantic explanation: he was going to fall victim to a neo-fascist right-wing conspiracy. This is interesting: in the last 10 years, Maduro has condemned 335 coups, a paranoid record.

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It was a complete failure for his successor Hugo Chavez. His absence caused such a stir that another dictator stayed in Argentina’s capital. Miguel Diaz-Canel, went almost unnoticed. A gift between friends.

But the cancellation of his trip led to several days of uproar Venezuela. On Tuesday, January 24, the Chavista parliament approved a bill to outlaw NGOs operating in the country. They will accuse thatForeign agents”, an excuse to end their activities. But not only that. Amnesty International warned that the measures promoted by the regime “include the disclosure of financial, personnel and management information” and that they “violate association, privacy and other rights, putting NGOs and their beneficiaries at serious risk”. Crime and Vengeance.”

The next day, police officers entered the home of the magazine’s editor-in-chief National, Jose Gregorio Meza. He was interrogated for doing his job: a published statement about men before the Son Nicolás Maduro,”Nicolacito”, the accomplished son of a Caracas general who loves to travel the world. Four other journalists also had to explain.

On Wednesday the 25th, Action Forces General Directorate of Military Counter IntelligenceScary DGCIMPrivate houses were raided Caracas Opposition representatives Dinora Figueroa Y Aristela Vasquez. 24 hours later, that is Sebin -The Bolivarian National Intelligence Service– The person who trespassed into the house of the Leader of the Opposition Luis Bustos.

Meanwhile, on Friday, January 27, unidentified agents detained the human rights defender MARIA FERNANDA RODRIGUEZ. One day after I attended a meeting United Nations High Commissioner For human rights, Volker Turk, who was in the Venezuelan capital at the time. During that meeting, 90 NGOs asked Austria for more assurances in monitoring.

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Next to the embassy, ​​everything happened openly and with complete impunity. A Ripe Doesn’t care about being there UN To pretend to be in his own country.

The statement Turkish He was diplomatic but clear: he spoke of torture, political persecution, rape and arbitrary arrests. Thank you for receiving Ripe. High Commissioner – Replaces Michael Bachlett– Shown with community actors and leaders, he was able to elaborate on what was happening to him Venezuela. His visit also coincided with a dramatic statement by the new archbishop Caracas, Balthazar Boras. “Let all abuse and torture disappear,” said the ambassador Pope Francisco in the country.

Nothing indicates that this ecclesiastical outcry will happen in a short period of time. Neither is it Ripe Go to a country without fear of being arrested for being appointed as a leader Poster of Suns.