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Lavrov did not deny that the West wanted to blame Moscow for provoking a “small war” in Ukraine.

Lavrov did not deny that the West wanted to blame Moscow for provoking a “small war” in Ukraine.


27 dic 2021 10:09 GMT

The foreign minister pointed out that the provocation could be a pretext for imposing sanctions on Russia.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov Announced He did not deny that the West wanted to blame Moscow for provoking a “small war” in Ukraine this Monday.

“I do not rule out the possibility of feeding military sentiment [en Ucrania] Doing Blames us after a ‘little war’ We need to impose other barriers to damage our competitive capabilities, “Lavrov said.

According to the Russian Foreign Minister, the United States and NATO members “They ‘inject’ weapons And proudly supplied since 2014 [a Kiev] $ 2.5 billion worth of ammunition, weapons and assault systems. “” Reports came in October and November. [de suministros] Another is worth nearly $ 100 million and a javelin, a tank anti-system and ammunition, “he added.

In addition, the senior diplomat described the situation in Ukraine as “rude” to Western nations and NATO. “It is indecent to speak from the position of the West and NATO Have now accepted. The Baltics, the Poles and the Ukrainians are putting pressure on them, and it is quite clear, “he told reporters in an interview with Vladimir Solovyo.

Lavrov referred to the President of Ukraine, Vladimir Zhelensky, “Often they simply commit irresponsible acts“And Western authorities are beginning to understand the danger it reflects.” They are afraid of irresponsibility, they are afraid that some nonsense may “provoke a conflict” and, in general, no one needs it, “he said.

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