July 27, 2024

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It is urgent to change the immigration policy after the death of the immigrant

It is urgent to change the immigration policy after the death of the immigrant
Photo Los Angeles Time

Mexico on Friday urged the United States to restructure its immigration policy once and for all, in favor of investment. After it dies 55 migrants in an accident in the south of the country.

Despite the rising death toll due to the severity of the injuries, President Andres Manuel Lபpez Obrador said, “These tragedies should help raise awareness and address the underlying problem.”

“The problem of migrants cannot be solved by coercive measures, but jobs and welfare must be given. People do not leave their villages for pleasure, they do it for need,” he said in his daily speech.

The U.S. embassy in Mexico, for its part, said in a condolence message on Twitter that the tragedy “explains why we urge no one to risk their lives by irregular migration.”

Why is it urgent to change US immigration policy?

About a truck 160 undocumented immigrants, Mostly Central Americans, collided on a pedestrian bridge in the southern state of Chiapas on Thursday. One hundred people were injured as a result.

The left-wing president recalled urging his US envoy, Joe Biden, to change US immigration policy and invest in social programs in Central America to prevent immigration.

But “it’s slow,” he said. He said in Washington that “they have to face the argument elephant that did not happen,” which indicates the approval of budget items in Congress.

The victims were originally from Guatemala (three days of mourning), Honduras, Ecuador, the Dominican Republic and Mexico, according to the Civil Defense of Chiapas.

Lopez Obrador noted that “most” of the dead were Guatemalans.

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Attack on drug traffickers

Six deaths occurred at Chiapas hospitals. “There are very serious individuals and the death toll could rise,” Luis Manuel Garcia, regional secretary for civil defense, told the AFP.

“I remember people screaming when the trailer came back.

Emmanuel Hernandez, 43, who lives in the area where the rescue was carried out, said:

On Thursday afternoon, on the highway in Chiapas, at the main access point of undocumented immigrants, the driver lost control of the vehicle and crashed due to speed.

The driver fled, indicating that the truck belonged to a company based in Mexico, the National Guard said.

Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Efrat, along with his Guatemalan envoy Pedro Prolo, has announced the formation of an international team to eliminate the network of smugglers behind the events.

“He was a day laborer. He worked in the fields. We ate what he earned every day.

Horror trucks

The tragedy comes three days after a court order criticized the US plan to force immigrants to wait in Mexico in response to their asylum claims.

As part of US immigration policy, Washington is using measures to allow the expulsion of immigrants to prevent the spread of Covit-19. It also carried out large-scale deportations of Haitians, including by air.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said on Twitter that “migration alternatives and legal means are needed to avoid such tragedies”.Unhcr)

Transferring immigrants in trucks is one of the most common methods by which smugglers seize them in Mexican territory. It was intended to reach the northern border and attempt to enter the United States.

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Passengers on the Mexico-US border told the AFP the system was “very scary”.

According to these testimonies, immigrants are locked for hours in rooms without ventilation, avoid drinking water to avoid urination, and do not respond to prayers that drivers will not suffocate and die. Some destroy along the way.

Escape from poverty and violence in their own country and want others to be part of it Merchants Those who make the bulk of the extensive journey on foot, subject to extreme weather and organized crime.


The accident happened at the start of the Biden Summit for Democracy. It excludes the origin of undocumented immigrants from Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala and Haiti, Latin America.

Analysts such as Michael Schifter believe the move, which includes Bolivia, could make it harder to resolve the migration crisis.

On the way to the United States, immigrants are subjected to abuse by Mexican authorities and criminal gangs dealing with human trafficking.

The influx of undocumented immigrants increased after Biden came to power, and he promised to investigate their cases.

Further 190.000 They are found in Mexico between January and September, and by 2020 that number will have tripled. About 74,300 people have been deported.

In turn, the United States recorded 1.7 million illegal immigrants from Mexico between October 2020 and last September, a historic record.

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