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France in the migration crisis on the Polish border: “Russia is not part of the problem, it is part of the solution”

France in the migration crisis on the Polish border: “Russia is not part of the problem, it is part of the solution”


11 November 2021 22:07 GMT

More than 2,000 refugees, mostly Kurds, are trying to enter the European Union on Poland’s Belarusian border.

Clement Peon, France’s secretary of state for European affairs, has distanced himself from criticism of Russia over the situation of migrants on the Belarus-Poland border, arguing that Moscow could be “part of the solution” to the problem because of its relations. To Minsk.

On Reports This Thursday for the French media BFMTV, the official censored the Belarusian government for a launch “Immigrant Attack” It considers that it is designed to “destabilize the EU”.

Peon is very reserved when talking about Russia. According to him, Moscow is not involved in the “kidnapping” of immigrants and the crisis on the border with Poland – where they are more. 2,000 refugees, According to the Belarusian border service-, noting that it exists “Influence” Minsk to put an end to it.

“If Russia is not part of the problem, it is obvious that it is at least part of the solution Pro Belarus is growing with Moscow, “he said.

The culprits are being sought

Meanwhile, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has denied allegations by various European governments that the crisis is an attempt to undermine the EU. On Wednesday, the president blamed the United States. “Was invited“For immigrants, mostly Kurds,” Europe and Central Asia are waiting to welcome them. “

For his part, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki on Tuesday called on Russian President Vladimir Putin.Brain“The situation on the border with Belarus.

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Russia has denied the allegations in a statement issued Friday stating “Similar, baseless allegations concerning Russia’s intelligence have been made more than once. Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov Respected This Tuesday’s situation is reminiscent of the roots of the problem.

“It simply came to our notice then Policy of Western countriesThey, including members of NATO and the European Union, have been embedded in the Middle East and North Africa for many years and are trying to impose a better life on them by Western standards, ”he said.

Lavrov recalled that this was the cause of Western policy.Unprecedented refugee flow“From Iraq, Libya and Syria, from other countries, the responsibility to normalize the crisis” falls on those who created the conditions for its easing.