July 27, 2024

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For nearly 3 million Italians, there is no Govit-19

For nearly 3 million Italians, there is no Govit-19
Italians and Govt-19
At least 3 million Italians do not trust Covid-19

When more than 17,000 new infections in the last 24 hours forced the government to impose new measures to control the virus, which comes into effect before next Monday, nearly 6% of Italians, about three million, think they are not covid. Christmas approach.

Of the 5.9% who did not believe in the presence of the corona virus, 10.9% said the vaccine was ineffective and ineffective, 31.4% said it was a test drug, and 12.7% thought it was more harmful than scientifically beneficial. This is according to a statement Center for Community Investment Studies About the social situation of the country.

The study confirms that “irrational people have infiltrated the social fabric of the country” and that there is an “unreasonable desire to believe in prehistoric superstitions, anti-scientific prejudices, unsubstantiated theories and conspiracy theories” among Italians.

The Italians and the reasons why they did not trust the Govt

19.9% ​​of them “consider 5G as a sophisticated tool for controlling the minds of the people”, and historical scientific denial: 5.8% firmly believe that the earth was flat, 10% believe that it never existed. Landed on the moon.

Moreover, 39.9% of Italians are convinced of the “danger of ethnic change”, saying that “national identity and culture will no longer disappear with the arrival of immigrants, they no longer have children compared to the Italians, and this is due to the openness and interest and desire of all for world struggles,” according to the study, released this Friday. .

“The irrational have infiltrated the social fabric, capturing the most popular headlines in personal skepticism and protest movements that have been burning in the streets this year, and cutting the unruly space in public discourse. The rise in book sales list, the spotlight aggression on television,” it said.

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According to Senseis, this trend “has not only the decay of the epidemic, but also deep socio-economic roots (…)” and “causes the rejection” of the tools by which we have built progress in the past. As “scientific, medical, pharmaceutical, technological discoveries”.

Increase in cases

Italy has a “general increase in the number of new infections for the sixth week in a row, especially among those under 20, but between the ages of 30 and 49,” Italian health officials announced on Friday.

The Spread The virus is also increasing in hospital pressures, with 5,385 people currently hospitalized nationwide, 708 of whom are in the intensive care unit.

In this context, the reinforced health certificate will come into effect next Monday, with greater restrictions on buses and subways, as well as in areas of major business activity before the arrival of Christmas.

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