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‘Fiction against truth’: Moscow responds to every point in US ‘toxic’ claims on Ukraine conflict

‘Fiction against truth’: Moscow responds to every point in US ‘toxic’ claims on Ukraine conflict


22 ene 2022 15:28 GMT

Washington has denied assurances that it will not expand the Atlantic Alliance, but in fact in 1990 the then Secretary of State for North America assured that “the jurisdiction of NATO and its military forces will not move even an inch east.”

Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs General A report this Saturday commented on the “facts” exposed by the US State Department in its report entitled “True vs. Fiction: Russian Misinformation about Ukraine” published on January 20.

Thus, the Russian Foreign Ministry has responded to every comment made by Washington.

The US State Department said, Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014, occupied Crimea and controlled the armed forces in Donbass.

Russian answer

  • The United States and other NATO countries provoked the Ukrainian crisis in 2014 and supported the coup and the rise of nationalists to power. Residents of Crimea and Donbass, fearing for their own safety, do not want to live under the new government. Thus, Crimea became part of Russia again, Donetsk and Lukansk declared their independence, while Kiev unleashed a civil war against them.

What else, Says Washington Moscow has provoked the current crisis, deploying more than 100,000 troops on the Ukrainian border, and no such military action has taken place on the Ukrainian side.

Russian answer

  • Armed forces of Ukraine and NATO are intensifying military operations near the Russian border and conducting large-scale international military exercises.

On the other hand, EE.UU Sostin Russia’s military presence near the Ukrainian border poses a threat to Russia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

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Russian answer

  • Moscow regularly conducts military exercises for troops In their own territory. At the same time, the US is deploying its military and assault weapons several thousand kilometers away in Eastern European countries, thus undermining European security and strategic stability.

In his comments, North American Country Points Washington has provided more than $ 351 million in humanitarian aid to Donbass since 2014 for victims of the Moscow occupation.

Russian answer

  • The amount of humanitarian aid mentioned by the United States “A drop in the ocean” Compared to the enormous assistance provided by Russia to the residents of Donbass.

In addition, EE.UU Disclosure There are no credible reports that any Russian or Russian-speaking citizen has been threatened by the Ukrainian government.

Russian answer

  • Violations of the rights of Russian-speaking people in Ukraine have reached enormous proportions. The country’s authorities are enacting discriminatory laws on language and education, expelling the Russian language from all spheres of life.

Under the same line, The US government confirms Washington is making extensive diplomatic efforts to resolve the situation peacefully.

Russian answer

  • As Moscow provided security plans in mid-December, The United States has been delaying negotiations on security guarantees and has launched a “toxic” false propaganda that creates the image of Russia as an “occupier”.

Another commented The US State Department confirms ThatNATO is a defensive alliance.

Russian answer

  • The United States took an action Illegal In view of the international law against Yugoslavia. Similarly, NATO invaded Iraq and Afghanistan and participated in the destruction of Libya, which had nothing to do with “security” issues.
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According to US Government, The West has never promised that NATO will not expand.

Russian answer

  • On February 9, 1990, then-US Secretary of State James Baker declared that “Iron Iron Guarantees: NATO’s jurisdiction and its military forces will not move an inch east.” Other Western high-ranking officials have repeatedly confirmed this.

Finally, Washington adheres to it The NATO expansion was not directed against Moscow.

R.Russia’s answer

  • For the past 20 years, all NATO alliance capabilities have been precisely concentrated in Eastern Europe. Eastern European NATO member states are building storage facilities for heavy equipment and providing opportunities for foreign military presence on the borders of these states. Similarly, the number of visitors to the Black Sea by warships from additional regional powers has increased, and the coalition continues to carry out military maneuvers near Russian borders.