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CIA director confirms rumors: US intelligence targets cryptocurrencies

CIA director confirms rumors: US intelligence targets cryptocurrencies


8 dic 2021 04:02 GMT

William Burns revealed that “many cryptocurrency-centric projects are underway”.

By participating in the ‘Summit’ of CEOs The Wall Street Journal, William Burns, director of the Central Intelligence Agency, on Monday said the organization in charge has its vision in the crypto market and works in that area, thereby confirming rumors about the involvement of US intelligence in the world.

“My predecessor started it,” Burns acknowledged, referring openly to former CIA director David Cohen, although it could be John Brennan, Mike Pompeo or Gina Haspel, keeping in mind that they were all in charge of the agency. Occasionally in the last five years.

The previous group had “launched a number of cryptocurrency-centric projects,” he said. Second and third row effects“As well as helping colleagues in other government departments to have a stronger insight into what they see.”

In this way, the director of the CIA answered the question of whether its experts have the ability to stop intimidation and extortion attacks.ransomware‘Carried out from abroad, i.e., infecting a device and not being able to operate until the victim pays a certain ransom, which cybercriminals usually demand in bitcoins.

Burns responded that the challenges posed by the crypto market could have a “big impact” on the United States, adding that understanding how cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology work is a “top priority” for the CIA, which requires “resources and attention.”

Although he did not share details of how the agency intends to deal with these types of cyber attacks, he pointed out that they seek to achieve the financial structures of criminals who use cryptocurrencies to extort money.

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