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“Chile to support South Africa in case against Israel” – DW – 06/02/2024

“Chile to support South Africa in case against Israel” – DW – 06/02/2024

President of Chili, Gabriel Boricannounced this Saturday (06/01/2024) that his country will support South Africa before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) within it A claim against Israel For military action undertaken in Loop.

“I have decided to support Chile as a party to the case brought by South Africa against Israel at the International Court of Justice in The Hague, within the framework of the UN Genocide Convention,” Boric said in a message to the National Congress. “I do not agree with the choice of barbarism. We unequivocally condemn terrorist attacks Hamas We also demand the release of the hostages currently held by them,” he added to applause.

“More than 35,000 people have already died, there is a catastrophic humanitarian situation and the infrastructure in Gaza has been practically destroyed,” Boric argued. According to the Chilean president, “These actions require a firm and permanent response from the international community.”

Considering this, the Chilean Jewish community He accused Borik of using the conflict in Gaza for his personal political purposes and to polarize the country. “This active intervention in an external conflict, using financial resources, is clearly perceived as an act of prioritizing its own interests over the interests of the nation, which is a clear bias to the issue,” the organization said in a statement on the social network. X (pre Twitter)

The Chilean government has already condemned an attack by Israeli troops on a camp for Palestinian displaced people in Rafah in the Gaza Strip, while calling for an “immediate end to the military offensive”.

Borik made the announcement in the framework of his third summary of his administration since becoming president, where he announced that he would expropriate the German enclave established by the Nazis.

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Image: SWR

Expropriation Colonia Dignitad

In line with his speech, the President announced that his government would expropriate a portion Colonia Dignitad (260 km south of Santiago), a German enclave founded by a former Nazi nurse Augusto Pinochet Used to detain political prisoners.

“Today I can inform the country that this week we started expropriation of part of the former land. Colonia Dignitad What a house, among them, was at Villa Paviara Paul ShafferBoric said.

Colonia Dignitad It was founded in 1961 by ex-Nazi Corporal Paul Schaffer. This place is presented as a beautiful family town. In reality, Schaefer brutally ruled over this German community of a few hundred people, subjecting them to slavery or sexually abusing children.

After Schaefer escaped in 1997, Chileans discovered that the German enclave was hell for those who opposed the Pinochet dictatorship (1973-1990), as many of them were tortured or disappeared there. Shafer was arrested in Argentina in 2005 and died in prison in 2010.

Boric promised, “This is a fitting step on the road to sanctifying the site as a memorial. So, from the south of Chile to Germany, with one voice, we say to the world: Never again!”

ama (afp, efe, ap)