July 27, 2024

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Bolzanaro’s son Boric says he will transform Chile into La Maduro

Bolzanaro’s son Boric says he will transform Chile into La Maduro

Brazilian Vice President Eduardo Bolzano, the son of President Jair Bolsanaro, nominated Chile’s elected president this Wednesday. Gabriel Borick, Venezuela will lead his country to a situation similar to the one that came with Nicolas Maduro.

The closest ally to the far-right Jose Antonio Coste, who was defeated by the war in the election, has not yet made a direct announcement about the results of last Sunday’s second round of elections, and his father and the Brazilian government have maintained complete silence.

However, this Wednesday, the legislator posted some news on the matter on his social networks.

“Let me not comment, but let me tell you some facts about 35-year-old Gabriel Boric, so we know the person who was elected President of Chile,” the 37-year-old Brazilian deputy wrote.

“Since high school in 1999, he has been a student leader. He left law school to ‘dedicate himself to politics’,” he said, adding that he had been involved in the 2019 uprisings in Chile, which included violence, destruction and fire.

Eduardo Bolzano released some old messages in which Boric praised Nicolas Maduro and the warm greetings he received from the Venezuelan leader last Sunday, suggesting that Chile would now follow the path known as the Bolivarian Revolution.

He reinforced his idea last Monday after the Boric election, citing the ((Chile) stock market fall of 8%) and the dollar reaching its highest value in the country since the “beginning of the epidemic”.

However, after that initial impact, Chilean markets began to regain stability, and although they were running below pre-election indices, they left negative terrain on Tuesday.

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