July 27, 2024

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Biden wants to negotiate oil with Nicolas Maduro

Biden wants to negotiate oil with Nicolas Maduro
Marco Blonde is a mature man
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U.S. Senator Marco Rubio responded to a newspaper report this Sunday. New York Times On Top US officials visit Venezuela to hold talks with Nicolas Maduro About oil.

In this regard, Rubio pointed out that “Maduro is using Russia as an excuse to break the agreement he has always wanted to make with the government.”

“Instead of producing more American oil, he wants to change the oil we bought from one murderous dictator to the oil of another murderous dictator,” he said.

Oil talks with Maduro

Senior US officials traveled to Venezuela this Saturday to try to secure oil deals with Nicolas Maduro’s government. Sources familiar with the matter said. New York Times.

Nicolas Maduro confirmed on Thursday that Venezuela was ready to sell oil and gas to the United States. He assured that the country was currently producing one million barrels of crude oil per day and that it would rise to three million in the short term.

“We are ready to reach three million barrels in a short time. I invite investors from Europe, USA, Asia and South America. Venezuela has oil, the safest oil to give stability to the world, including the United States, ”he said.

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