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A powerful aircraft carrier arriving in Colombia is equipped with 50 fighter jets

A powerful aircraft carrier arriving in Colombia is equipped with 50 fighter jets

Joint military exercises between the United States and Colombia in the Pacific are scheduled for late June. The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier George Washington will arrive in Buenaventura, the commander of the US Southern Command said.

>>> Powerful US aircraft carrier arrives in Colombia for training with military forces

The USS George Washington aircraft carrier is one of America’s best-armed warships, and it was in the Colombian Caribbean 18 years ago.

A nuclear powered ship More than 50 FA-18 Super Hornet fighter jets, equipped with reconnaissance and electronic warfare, will return to Colombian waters.

The aircraft carrier’s arrival is scheduled for June 29 and 30 in Buenaventura and the Colombian Pacific. “It can hold 5,000 people. “We’re going to do naval and air force exercises,” said General Laura Richardson, commander of the US Southern Command.

For experts, this fact has clear geopolitical implications.

“This can create suspicion in neighboring countries such as Venezuela, because it has a clear and open dispute with the United States, and domestically it has an impact on the left-wing political sectors in Colombia, because some do not like pro-dependency relations with Colombia, a North American country and, clearly, in a left-wing government that promotes this, it Electoral fields do not penetrate,” said Manuel Alejandro Rayran, an international researcher at Externado University.

The announcement of the military maneuvers was made by General Laura Richardson at the Ptolemyda military base, where she confirmed that the Ministry of Defense has made requests to the US to replace its fleet of Kfir fighter jets.

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“As a representative of the United States, I am in favor of the F16. We are always trying to update our equipment, and we are here to support the Colombian government according to their requests,” Richardson added.

The aircraft carrier’s arrival in Colombia is part of the US’s operational deployment and tactical maneuvers with 7 countries in the region in South America.

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