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Russia has admitted to sinking a missile carrier

Russia has admitted to sinking a missile carrier

From Moscow they did not report being attacked by Ukraine.

The Russian Defense Ministry said on Wednesday night that the damaged Russian missile ship had sunk when it was towed away in the Moskva storm.

“When the Moscow Cruiser lost its stability, it was dragged to its target port due to damage to its hull by fire caused by explosives exploding. The ship sank in the middle of a storm sea, ”the report said.

Earlier, the Russian Defense Ministry said that the Moscow cruiser was badly damaged by a firecracker explosion.

From the agency they pointed out that the main missile weapon on board was not damaged.

The Defense Ministry said the ship was not on fire and the explosives were over.

As the cause of the fire was being investigated, the ship’s crew was evacuated to other ships in the Black Sea Fleet in the area.

For his part, US Secretary of Defense John Kirby confirmed to CNN on Thursday morning that the cruise ship was heading east. “We hope it will be repaired in Sevastopol,” he said.

Project 1164 Atlanta’s flagship Moscow cruiser was equipped with 16 Vulcan heavy-duty missiles, designed to destroy large ships and aircraft carriers, as well as the S-300F Fortress Long-Range Anti-Missile System (64) missiles in its arsenal), in addition to the Osa-MA short-range systems. (48 missiles are in stock).

In the second half of 2015, the ship led to the permanent formation of a Russian navy in the Mediterranean, where it secured a Russian air base in Khemim, Syria with its air defense systems.

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