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Peru’s Constitutional Court has ordered the release of former President Alberto Fujimori

Peru’s Constitutional Court has ordered the release of former President Alberto Fujimori
Alberto Fujimori
Former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori. Photo: GETTY IMAGES

Peru’s Constitutional Court (TC) ordered his release on Thursday Former President Alberto Fujimori, who was sentenced to 25 years in prison for human rights abuses, had his pardon revoked in October 2018 after being reinstated in December 2017, according to judicial evidence.

Evidence told AFP that TC had declared a habeas corpus establishment petition in support of the 83-year-old Fujimori, who ruled between 1990 and 2000, and would allow him to be released in the coming days, asking him not to be named. The judgments of this Court are non-appealing.

After being deported from Chile in 2007, Alberto Fujimori was convicted of murdering Perios Aldos (15 killed, including an 8-year-old boy) and La Cantuda (10 killed) by the military during his government.

Peru’s Constitutional Court tilts balance in favor of Fujimori

In a vote of six magistrates, three votes were in favor of accepting Habeas Corpus and three votes against. But TC’s leader, Augusto Ferrero, offered a draw in favor of Fujimori because his vote had doubled.

“In the event of a tie, the rule states that the president will have a double vote or a standard vote,” the judicial source told AFP.

Fujimori is the only inmate of the small Barbados prison at the headquarters of the Directorate of Special Operations in eastern Lima, who returned Monday from an 11-day hospital for heart problems.

There he grows flowers, paints oil paintings and enjoys family visits.

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