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You have to zoom in for a full minute to see the galaxy in this Webb Telescope video

You have to zoom in for a full minute to see the galaxy in this Webb Telescope video

The first web image of the Cartwheel Galaxy was released on August 2.
GIF: Gizmodo / ESA / Webb

The space is big and scary, and a new video has been created From Web Space Telescope data Goes to show the enormous distances It separates us from the things we are trying to observe. In this case, the file cart wheel galaxyone of the Webb . files Recent goals.

web she has Surprised us since The first in full color Pictures From observatory arrived July. early this month, NASA and its international partners have released an incredible photo From the cart wheel galaxysome chaotic structure 500 million lightYears away from Earth, formed as a result of the collision of two people smaller galaxies.

galaxy zoom cart wheel

The cart wheel galaxy is An amazing testimonial to webBrilliant optics. But A new video released by the European Space Agency shows just how far this thing is. cinematic zoom Appears here It’ll make you feel really, sillyimpossibly small.

“Web’s observations capture Cartwheel in a very transitional phase. What shape the Cartwheel Galaxy will ultimately take, given these two competing forces, remains a mystery. However, this shot provides a perspective on what happened to the galaxy in the past and what it will do in the future,” press release.

cart wheel galaxy Formed when two galaxies collide, “Like ripples in a pond after a stone is thrown into it.” describe NASA He. She. inner core Consists of hot dust, the brightest parts of the ring home to Giant clusters of young stars. The outer ring has been expanding for 440 million years, resulting in star formation along the way as the outer ring collides with the surrounding gas.

Webb just started and can be up and running the next day 20 years. It will show us the infrared universe like we’ve never seen it before.

more: Are the colors in the Web telescope images “fake”?

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