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Why President Pedro Hasn’t Signed the Extradition of Beatot Córdoba’s Brother; Minister of Justice explained

Why President Pedro Hasn’t Signed the Extradition of Beatot Córdoba’s Brother;  Minister of Justice explained
Beatot Córdoba’s brother Alvaro Freddy was arrested by Córdoba authorities. Photo: Facebook – Álvaro Córdoba

On this night On Tuesday, August 30, The Colombian President Gustavo Pedro Urego, Signed Firstly Eight extradition orders to the United StatesFor various things, including The Drug trafficking crime.

Among the deliverables are Alcevis Enrique Ortiz Luquez, Frank Hernán alvarez Espinel, José Luis Pino Leal, Rómulo Ramírez Rodríguez, Jhon Sebastian Vallejo Rueda, Luis Alexander Barrera Forero, Andrézésépolejan.

What surprised many Álvaro Córdoba, brother of the senator of the historic treaty, Piedad Córdoba, was not among those extradited.A US court indicted him Five kilos of cocaine entered the country and illegal possession of weapons, allegedly in addition Contact with FARC dissidents.

Why on the president Gustavo Pedro did not sign the extradition order for Álvaro CórdobaNew Justice Minister Nestor Osunareplied.

“It’s a work in progress and it’s in my office at the moment. The file isn’t here at Narino Palace”. The Minister of Justice pointed to the extradition order for Álvaro Córdoba.

On the side of the senator’s brother’s defense of the historic agreement, President Gustavo Pedro is expected to watch the case closely.

Ludi Valentina Santiago, a lawyer from the defense team in the case against Álvaro Córdoba, told El Tiempo (ET) that he hopes the new Justice Ministry will review the extradition request.

Argues a request for reconsideration of the case, “in light of the consent agreement and the legality and constitutionality of the acts employed by the undercover agents, in the face of the law governing those acts.”

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Another argument of Senator Pete Córdoba’s brother is that “as the discretionary procedures of the Task Force violate the principle of legality, even if the extradition treaty is in force, it cannot be applied as there is no law incorporating it in the domestic legal system,” he told ET.

In relation to deportations, President Gustavo Pedro has stated that he thinks that those who provide truth and reparations to the government and victims should not be deported, which applies in the case of Álvaro Córdoba.

Álvaro Freddy Córdoba Ruiz, former senator and brother of Pete Córdoba, a congressional candidate for the Historic Accord, was arrested on Thursday night, February 3rd. He was arrested by agents of the Directorate of Criminal Investigation and Interpol (DIJIN). National Police from Colombia. Arrested with him were Alvaro Alonso Jaramillo and Amanda Palacio, a Libyan.

Christened by the authorities as Operation Coral, it was carried out in the city of Medellin. Those caught now are accused of providing logistical support to the ‘Gentle Duarte’ dissidents in southern Colombia and smuggling cocaine into the US. It was the court in the Southern District of New York that made the request to seize him.

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