July 27, 2024

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Venezuelan immigrants in Mexico are trying to force their way into the United States.


Caracas.- Hundreds of migrants stranded in Mexico, most of them Venezuelans, tried to force their way across the Paso del Norte International Bridge in Santa Fe between Ciudad Juarez (Mexico) and El Paso (Texas, USA), to enter US territory.

After hundreds of migrants crossed the border crossing in Ciudad Juárez, the tense situation forced agents of the Customs and Border Protection office to block the passage of the bridge on the US side.

Barriers and barbed wire, guarded by Border Patrol agents — armed with riot gear — prevented migrants from crossing to the U.S. side, Mexican media reported. The Herald of Juarez.

Spanish journalist Judith Doria, who went to the scene and broadcast various broadcasts on the Instagram social network, spoke with some of the Venezuelan migrants trying to cross the Paso del Norte international bridge.

“We suffer from crime, rumors and outrage in the Mexican state,” said one of the Venezuelan immigrants Doria consulted. Others decried difficulties in processing permits and applications through a page set up by US officials.

Unable to cross into the United States, the migrants headed toward an area near the bridge known as the rim of the Rio Grande, where they gathered, according to Mexican media reports. The Herald of Juarez.

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