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The WHO predicts that more than 50% of Europe’s population will be affected by the Omigron variant in the next six to eight weeks.

The WHO predicts that more than 50% of Europe’s population will be affected by the Omigron variant in the next six to eight weeks.


11 ene 2022 10:58 GMT

Hans Cluj, regional director of the World Health Organization for Europe, assured that the situation could worsen if infections continue to rise at current rates.

The WHO announced on Tuesday that if infections continue at the current rate, there is a risk of being affected by the omigran variant of the corona virus over the next six to eight weeks.

“At this rate, the Institute for Health Measurements and Assessments (IHME) estimates that more than 50% of the region’s population [europea] He will be affected by Omigran in the next six to eight weeks “, Promised Hans Kluge, Regional Director, WHO European Office, during a press conference.

“Europe recorded more than seven million Govt-19 cases in the first week of 2022, doubling over the two-week period,” the official said. “Omigran cases have already been reported in 50 of the 53 countries in Europe and Central Asia. It has become the fastest-growing virus in Western Europe and is now spreading in the Balkans,” he added.

Similarly, in countries where the new variant is not operational, Cluj suggested that contingency planning measures be taken. Among them, he urged governments to make it mandatory to use high-quality masks in closed spaces, to provide them to all risk groups and to create the conditions necessary for all citizens to be vaccinated in advance with a basic dose and reinforcement.

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