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Symptoms of a new variant of Govit-19 according to the doctor who discovered it in South Africa

Symptoms of a new variant of Govit-19 according to the doctor who discovered it in South Africa
Dr. Angelique Coates speaks to the BBC from Pretoria, the administrative capital of South Africa | BBC

Dr. Angelique Kotzi, president of the South African Medical Association, said the affected patients so far New variant Omigron, the corona virus that causes goiter, has shown very mild symptoms.


Remember what we see now in South Africa, I am at the center Very mild‘He told BBC presenter Andrew Marr online from Pretoria.

“We have not yet admitted anyone to the hospital. I talked to other colleagues and the film is still there, ”he added.

Dr. Godzi was the first to warn South African authorities of the possibility of a new variant of the corona virus. Laboratory tests confirmed that he was correct WHO He declared it a variant of anxiety.

The doctor explained It all started on November 18th, With a patient in his 30s, he said he had been tired and in pain for several days.

“I had a little headache and I didn’t really have a sore throat. He described itching, without coughing or loss of taste or smell.

Godzi found these symptoms unusual and decided to do a quick check in his office.

Both the patient and his family members tested positive for Govt. As the doctor explained, they all had “very, very mild” symptoms.

Other patients appeared with similar symptoms throughout the day. Kotzi decided to warn the vaccination advisory committee of the Ministry of Health because he is on the committee. “Listen, there’s something wrong today. It’s easy for me to say I saw it A panorama that did not suit himA Delta variant‘”he said.

Dr. Godzilla was interviewed on the BBC’s Andrew Marr show

Asked if countries like the United Kingdom, the United States or Israel have decided to restrict travel to South Africa, he replied: “At this point, yes, of course. Maybe in two weeks we can say something else.

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Kotzi believes the Omigron variant is already in circulation in countries that adopt travel restrictions.

“Your doctors may focus on the delta variant and may not notice it, because it’s easy to miss.

The Omigron variant was reported to the World Health Organization last Wednesday by South African authorities and the alarming variant was announced by the International Organization on Friday.

The first information seems to show that it has a High spreadability And a Increased risk of re-infection Scientists warn that corona virus, due to its greater number of mutations than other known variants, needs more information to come to a definitive conclusion.

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Since its identification, Omigron cases have been reported in many countries, including Germany, the United Kingdom, Belgium, the Netherlands and Italy.

Despite the WHO’s opposition to adopting travel restrictions, many countries, including the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union, have closed their doors to travelers to South Africa, Botswana, Swaziland, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia and more. Zimbabwe fears spread of new virus-causing virus

Others went further: Morocco has suspended the arrival of international flights for two weeks and Israel has banned foreigners from entering its borders.

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