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Sudan’s prime minister has announced his resignation amid protests that have killed dozens of people

Sudan’s prime minister has announced his resignation amid protests that have killed dozens of people


2 ene 2022 20:58 GMT

Atballa Hamdok headed the cabinet in 2019 and was ousted in October by a military coup. However, in November he returned to his post under an agreement with the coup.

Sudanese Prime Minister Atballa Hamdok announced his resignation on Sunday.

A Speech Hamdok, who was released by the politician’s official channel on YouTube, notes that his post “leaves to the other sons of the country, so they continue to rule.” […] The rest is a period of transition towards a civil and democratic state. “

The news comes amid heavy political tensions in the country. The latest wave of protests, in particular, took place on December 30, Has resulted Death of at least six people, Pick up The Sudan Tribune newspaper refers to the Central Committee of Sudanese Physicians. Protesters protested the return of the military to power after the October 25 coup. Overall, from that date 55 people died Participants in the struggles.

Hamdock, who headed the cabinet in 2019, was immediately detained as a security guard after the coup and placed under house arrest for about a month.

Coup in Sudan: What is happening?

However, on November 21, after a severe unrest in the country, Signed An agreement was reached with General Abdelbada al-Burhan, the leader of the coup plotters, to return and release all political prisoners. The agreement stipulates that the government of technical experts, led by Hamdok, must guarantee Sudan’s democratic transition, as well as prevent new victims during the protests.

However, the deal sparked outrage from a number of civilian and civil society groups, including the Sudan Professionals Association and the Darfur Bar Association. In turn, the Sudanese forces for independence and change declared to the conspirators that “there is no negotiation, no association and no legitimacy.”

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