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Sony reveals its vision for Metaverse

Sony reveals its vision for Metaverse

You may have heard of the metaverse by now. While this is a buzzword for nearly every major organization on the planet, there are various different definitions of what it actually is. Means. For Mark Zuckerberg and his venerable Facebook, it’s an interactive world in which you connect with others and go to work. Sony’s concept is, fortunately, a little less miserable.

speaking as part of a Corporate strategy meetingCEO Kenichiro Yoshida, of course, touched on the concept – and believes his company is well positioned to play a leading role in the emerging trend. As part of his keynote speech, he pointed out It is an electronic game Several times, explaining how affiliates like PlayStation, Sony Pictures, and Sony Music have all contributed to Battle Royale to create interactive experiences.

Yoshida’s vision for the metaverse is “a social space and a living network space where games, music, film and animation intersect” – all products in which Sony plays an active role, of course. He was clear that his concept of the metaverse is one in which people come together to share “time and space” – a virtual concert, for example.

While he stopped short of revealing any specific products, he spoke at length about PlayStation’s plan to develop ten live service games, and how Saucepan Developer Bungie’s expertise will help influence his efforts. Effectively, it appears that the company intends to take advantage of its various multimedia divisions to create interactive experiences that unify all aspects of its business.