July 27, 2024

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Peru | President Pedro Castillo issued a curfew and declared a state of emergency

Peru |  President Pedro Castillo issued a curfew and declared a state of emergency

The Peruvian government issued a curfew on Monday that will take effect this Tuesday (7:00 GMT) at 2:00 pm and will last until 11:59 pm (Wednesday 4:59 GMT) in the province of Lima and its neighbor Callo. Carriers serving a week in response to the strike.

“The Committee of Ministers has approved to declare the immobility of citizens from 2 am to 11:59 pm on Tuesday, April 5, in order to protect the fundamental rights of all people who are not barred from providing essential services.”President Pedro Castillo said in a speech just minutes before midnight.

Also, ordered The state of emergency in Lima and Callo, “suspension of constitutional rights relating to liberty and personal protection, violation of the House and freedom of assembly and movement.”.

The freeze on carriers is in response to rising fuel prices, before the Peruvian executive decided to exempt petrol and diesel from the selected consumption tax until next June.

The head of state justified the measures, which will take effect tomorrow due to “acts of violence that some groups want to create,” blocking free transportation to access to the provinces of Lima and Callo, “creating insecurity and overturning”.

In that sense, Castillo called for a “call for peace, peace,” and made it clear that social opposition was a constitutional right, but that it should be “done within the framework of the law, in a way that respects the integrity of the people and the public.” And private property.

“We are in a difficult situation where it is necessary to look at the active role of the state. We will do everything we can accordingly and do everything we can (and) to provide and help our people,” the president said. .

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During the protests of the carriers, and when the unions of other workers joined, four people died due to the conditions obtained by the siege.

About twenty people have been arrested in eleven regions of the country due to the chaos posed by land transport cuts.

In southern Ica, protesters set fire to five toll booths on Monday, while occasional supermarkets and shops were looted in the northern city of Trujillo, events reflecting weekend unrest in the Andean city of Huanco.

Congress President Maria del Carmen Alva summoned the president and several other ministers to Congress on Tuesday to review the steps he had taken to resolve the carriers’ protests, to which the executive board responded with another call to the board of directors. Parliament a few hours ago.