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Pedro Cர்டrdoba visits deported Venezuela in La Picota

Pedro Cர்டrdoba visits deported Venezuela in La Picota
Pedro Cர்டrdoba visits deported Venezuela in La Picota
Last March, it was one of the gateways to La Picota, the elected senator of the historic treaty. Archive / Weather

Senator Pedro Cordoba, elected by historic agreement, went to prison, shocking intelligence agencies. Pillar A A renowned Venezuelan businessman.

The man was released Arrest warrant issued in Colombia in 2013 For crimes such as money laundering, criminal association, illicit smuggling and obtaining foreign currency in fraudulent ways.

Piedad Córdoba celebrates his brother’s birthday La Picota | Archive / Weather

Said C கோrdoba He was the victim of a montage by his political opponentsHe is accused of going to La Picota prison to gain support for Gustavo Pedro’s campaign for the presidency.

For her brother?

However, the senator of the historic treaty explained that maximum security would be added to the prison Because of the legal and family support he provides for his brotherHandable Alvaro Freddie Cordoba.

The elected senator was questioned by the Supreme Court in the United States for contacts with Alex Chop and recorded entries from previous years.

The list of La Picota visits between 2011 and 2022 includes a meeting with Seuxis Paucías Hernández, ‘Jesús Santrich’ on August 15, 2018, and a meeting with his brother Freddie Cordoba on March 24. A recording with Antonio Gomez Lopez from December 18, 2014.

Time Explored and established that the latter Captured for surrender purposes in Colombia on June 21, 2013Thanks for the red notice from Interpol.

In Venezuela, he was wanted for customs offenses committed by a consortium of Acropuica companies dedicated to the animal feed trade headed by Gomez Lopez.

Supreme Court favors deportation of Antonio Gomez Lopez | Time / Archive


Entrepreneur It received over $ 843 million in foreign exchange between 2004 and 2012 At a preferred rate. It would have allowed it to grow faster until it produced more than 45,000 tons of food per month and occupied 20% of that market.

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La Picota de Piedad Córdoba | Archive / Weather

Between December 9, 2011 and March 27, 2012, Antroio Gomez López, President of Agrobueyca, requested a foreign currency to pay the secondary supplier for goods purchased at a premium. Partner Antonio Gomez Lopez pays Qadivi on behalf of secondary suppliers (with higher fees)«, Reads the arrest warrant of the Colombian prosecutor’s office.

On March 11, 2015, the Supreme Court approved his deportation to Venezuela. There, in the midst of the trial against him, the first trial court in the province of Aragua ordered that the case be dismissed on November 3, 2020 (suspending a proceedings for no reason).

Case Coincidences in Court?

However, 17 days later, 2 attorneys appealed to the Court of Appeals in the state of Aragua. Evidence is being evaluated, no conclusion yet. There is a common feature in the trial against Cர்டrdoba in the Supreme Court in this matter.

His alleged links to the FARC and his role as mediator in the release of the hostages are one of the stitches in the investigation, but there is more. This is about Cordoba is said to have had commissions on the money he received For arranging payments from the Venezuelan regime to a few merchants, including Saab.

Many of them used the National Monetary Authority of Venezuela, as happened with Gomez Lopez. The senator insists These allegations are part of an issue against him and PetroHe set himself aside from the campaign and asked the ethics committee of the historic agreement still under construction to evaluate his behavior.

But his fate is in the hands of the Supreme Court and investigations carried out by federal agents in the United States.

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