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Negotiations on Iran’s nuclear program resume after a five – month stalemate

Negotiations on Iran’s nuclear program resume after a five – month stalemate


29 November 2021 01:34 GMT

From this Monday, the delegations will discuss in the Austrian capital the terms of the resumption of the international agreement after the US exits in 2018.

This Monday, international talks on Iran’s nuclear program resume in Vienna (Austria) after a five – month suspension, aimed at convincing Tehran of the need to accept guarantees. Does not develop nuclear weapons.

Representatives from China, Russia, the United Kingdom, France and Germany will meet with Iranian representatives to discuss steps to be taken to reconcile Tehran’s letter. Comprehensive Joint Action Plan (JCPOA) signed in 2015. Iran has announced that it will not speak directly with the US delegation.

The agreement, which provided for measures to curb the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program, was suspended in 2018 following the announcement by former US President Donald Trump. Unilateral withdrawal His country.

Agreement Controls cleavage purity up to 3.67% Iran can refine uranium. However, Tehran started Enrich uranium Beyond this limit, after Trump withdrew the United States from the treaty and re-imposed sanctions against that country.

Despite insisting that Iran pledge to abide by the terms of the agreement, the Biden administration has repeatedly expressed its willingness to return to the agreement. Tehran, for its part, warns that Washington will not return to its nuclear commitments until it lifts the numerous sanctions imposed on it.

Iran has insisted on this Guarantee The United States will not abandon the agreement again. In addition, the new Iranian government may table the issue of compensation for sanctions that have hit its economy.

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Negotiation, including Six rounds The talks came to a halt in June 2021 following the election of Ibrahim Raisi as President of Persia.