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NATO has decided not to allow aircraft or Allied forces to enter Ukraine

NATO has decided not to allow aircraft or Allied forces to enter Ukraine
Spear NATO
Ukrainian soldiers with spears in hand / AFP photo

Foreign Ministers of the country System Following the request of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) this Friday showed their agreement that no friendly aircraft should be flown into Ukrainian airspace or that its troops should not be allowed to enter there. Kiev Should help impose a no-fly zone across the country.

Coalition Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg noted at the end of the extraordinary meeting of ministers that the possibility of a no-fly zone was mentioned, but “at the same time, the allies agreed that NATO planes should not operate in Ukrainian airspace or in NATO territory.”

“We do not want to be part of the conflict with Russia in Ukraine,” Stoltenberg told a news conference.

The former Norwegian prime minister said he understood the frustrations of the Ukrainians, but the only way for the coalition to implement a no-fly zone over Ukraine was to enter its airspace, which could lead to war in Europe.

He noted that if NATO were directly involved, there would be more suffering and more civilian casualties, which is why allies have chosen to impose sanctions on Moscow.

Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba attended the meeting with a recorded message to whom the allies expressed “their solidarity and deep respect for the courage of the Ukrainian people and its armed forces.”

Stoltenberg called on Russian President Vladimir Putin to “stop the war immediately and withdraw all its troops unconditionally, and engage in genuine diplomacy now.”

“Europe’s worst military occupation in decades, with cities besieged, hospitals and residential buildings bombed, and many civilians killed or wounded. The days ahead are likely to be even worse.”

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The NATO Secretary General also noted that NATO has decided to strengthen coordination and information sharing with Finland and Sweden, who attended the meeting as guests.

In addition, the coalition ministers discussed the need to support other partners at risk, including Georgia and Bosnia-Herzegovina.

He said those countries were very different from each other but common to them, like Moldova, that Russia was using its power to intimidate them.

He recalled that Russia had already occupied Georgia, where its troops were controlling parts of the region, and they were located in Transnistria, Moldova, Bosnia-Herzegovina “We see a very weak and unstable situation. Danger to the unity of that state.”

“Russia’s occupation has created a new nature for our defense, in which fundamental principles are challenged by the use of force, and for many years we face the threat of conflict,” Stoltenberg concluded.

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