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NATO considers Russia to increase its military presence in Eastern Europe “even if it does not use force.”

NATO considers Russia to increase its military presence in Eastern Europe “even if it does not use force.”


16 Feb 2022 22:36 GMT

The NATO Secretary-General explained that the deployment of Atlantic Alliance troops could also affect the Black Sea region.

Within it Speech At the first day of the NATO Defense Ministers’ Meeting, Atlantic Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg announced on Wednesday that the organization plans to increase its troop presence in Europe.

“In this way, ministers today have decided to develop options for strengthening prevention and security, including the evaluation of the institution. New war groups In Central Europe, Eastern Europe and Southeastern Europe. Likewise, I applaud France’s proposal to lead this kind of war team in Romania, “Stoltenberg said, noting that the potential position of coalition troops could be affected. Black Sea region.

At the same time, he revealed that NATO has “enhanced” the productivity of its response forces with the aim of “rapidly strengthening”. More and more forces and forces The eastern part of the alliance “.

However, he pointed out that at present it is not a final decision. “Our military leaders will now make the details and report back in a few weeks,” he said.

According to a senior official, the move is in response to a “continuous influx of Russian troops into and around Ukraine,” but “there are indications that diplomacy may continue from Moscow.” At the same time, he explained that the coalition was ready to increase its presence in the region. Russia “does not use force”.

Despite that Not confirmed Allegations from the West about the alleged invasion of Ukraine by Russia were reported by various Western media outlets on February 15, NATO Secretary-General Insisted This Wednesday the Atlantic Coalition “continues to condemn Russia’s plans for aggression.”

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For her part, Maria Sajarova, spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry; Underlined Misinformation about the immediate Russian invasion of Ukraine did not lead to war and was denied by both countries in this regard. “Unfortunately for The Washington Post, The New York Times, Bloomberg, Daily Mirror, Bild and others, there has been no war in recent days. Stay tuned Deserves the best use of diligence, ”he said.

Speculation about the Russian invasion of Ukraine has been mounting in the West for months. For its part, Russia has repeatedly stamped Lie And Unsubstantiated Those allegations and Condemned NATO’s growing military presence in Eastern European countries will not contribute to “stability in Ukraine or a peaceful solution to the conflict in Donbass.”