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Miss USA scandal explained: Indian-origin teen beauty queen resigns amid toxic culture, financial woes and allegations of abuse

Miss USA scandal explained: Indian-origin teen beauty queen resigns amid toxic culture, financial woes and allegations of abuse

The world of competition was shaken by a double resignation this week! In a surprising turn of events, both Miss USA and Miss Teen USA have tendered their resignations amid a brewing scandal within the Miss USA organization.

Uma Sofia Srivastava has been crowned Miss Teen USA 2023. (Instagram/@umasofias)

The sudden departure raised eyebrows and questions within the pageant community and beyond. Miss USA Noelia Voigt and Miss Teen USA Uma Sofia Srivastava dropped their crowns in a bold move. What exactly is going on behind the glittering facade of the competition?

Miss USA and Miss Teen USA resign amid Miss USA scandal

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For the first time in the 72-year history of Miss USA (founded in 1952), no titleholder has ever given up their crown. Now, both Miss Teen USA, Noelia Voigt, and Miss Teen USA, Uma Sofia Srivastava, have shockingly resigned midway through their reigns. Citing mental health concerns as a priority, Voigt resigned from her position three months before the end of her term. She announced her decision to give up the Miss USA crown and sash.

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In September 2024, Voight won the Miss USA title at the age of 24 and also became the first Miss USA titleholder in 72 years to voluntarily resign. Voight praised Miss Teen USA Sofia for taking a stand for what’s right. “Deep down I know this is just the beginning of a new chapter for me, and I hope I can continue to inspire others to stay resilient, prioritize your mental health, stand up for yourself and others using your voice, and never be afraid of what the future holds, even if it’s uncertain,” she wrote. Praising her beloved.

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As the first Mexican-American Indian to represent New Jersey at the national level, Srivastava was crowned Miss Teen USA when she was 17 years old.

Miss USA scandal explains why girls step down

The sudden resignations of two defending champions have once again sparked controversy surrounding the competition. The Miss USA organization receives backlash and criticism for mismanagement, a toxic work culture, and alleged mistreatment of mental health concerns. The mismanagement allegedly began in 2023 when the organization’s owner, JKN Group, filed for bankruptcy leading to the dismissal of its chairman. Shortly after, the person who replaced her resigned last February, surprising many.

Lily Rose, the current CEO and president of Miss USA, was announced as the replacement on the same date. In 2015, NBCUniversal cut ties with the pageants after Donald Trump, then owner of Miss Universe, made controversial comments accusing Mexico of sending criminals and rapists to the United States.

Quoting “My personal values ​​no longer fully align with the direction of the organization.” Uma Sofia Srivastava took to social media to announce her resignation.

Danny Walker explains the struggles of Miss USA

Former Miss Montana and YouTube commentator Danny Walker has drawn attention to the struggles and unethical practices within the industry in the face of competition from social media influencers, reality shows and Hollywood celebrities.

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Looks like the Miss USA chaos has something to do with money. Claudia Michel, a former social media manager, said she was not paid for two months and was told after she was hired that the organization had no money to pay. “I wasn’t really an employee. There was no signed contract, there was no onboarding, and there was no pay and benefits,” the former employee said. “It’s a testament to how much I love this brand that I was willing to take this for free.”

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