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Millay calls socialism “satanic” and “cancer” – DW – 05/17/2024

Millay calls socialism “satanic” and “cancer” – DW – 05/17/2024

President of Argentina Javier MCalling socialism “satanic” and “cancer” this Friday (05/17/2024), the first day of the visit SpainThere he would meet with far-right Spanish businessmen and politicians.

“We must not let the dark, black, satanic, brutal, cruel, cancerous side of socialism win,” Milley said in a speech about his book “The Path of the Libertarian.”

During his speech, the right-wing populist promised his policies would be diverted. Argentina After “over 100 years of decline”.

During his visit to Spain, Millay did not plan to meet with King Felipe VI or the president of the Spanish government, Socialism. Pedro SanchezIn line with the current cooling of relations between the governments of the two countries.

He The latest diplomatic impasse It comes after Spanish Transport Minister Oscar Puente “mistaked” – in the words of his own later apology – claims that Miley had consumed “substances” before a speech.

The Argentine government condemned the words and issued a scathing statement attacking Sánchez for “endangering the middle class with his socialist policies that bring only poverty and death.”

However, Argentina’s presidential spokesman Manuel Attorney said on May 6 that the issue was “resolved” and “finished” after Puente apologized.

On Saturday, Argentina’s president meets with businessmen. According to local press, senior managers from banks Santander and PPVA, Telefonica and airline Iberia will attend the meeting.

On Sunday he will be the star guest at a rally organized by Spain’s far-right party VoxAt the helm Santiago AbascalOther figures associated with the movement, such as the French Marine Le Pen or Chile’s Jose Antonio Caste, will attend.

See also  Long-awaited ICJ report on Palestinian territories - DW - 07/18/2024

JU (afp, efe)