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Kazakh President orders unprovoked firing on “terrorists”

Kazakh President orders unprovoked firing on “terrorists”


7 ene 2022 08:41 GMT

The protests in Kazakhstan led to violence, clashes with police and looting. The president reiterated that foreign-trained “bandits and terrorists” were operating in the country, and stressed that there was no dialogue with “criminals and murderers.”

The President of Kazakhstan, Qasim-Yomart Djokovic, this Friday ordered “firing without prior notice” against protesters opposing disciplinary forces trying to disperse violent protests. They happen Nationwide from January 2nd

“What nonsense, what kind of negotiations can be had with criminals and murderers,” Dokov stressed. Speech It aired on television, while reiterating that the Kazakh security forces must deal with “bandits and prepared terrorists.”

Similarly, “robbers and terrorists” damaged not only administrative buildings but also civilian property, while at the same time attacking the health and lives of “hundreds of civilians and military personnel.”

“Because You have to destroy them, And this will be done soon, “added the President of the Central Asian country.

The Kazakh president pointed out that all the demands of the protesters, which were expressed in a peaceful way, had been heard and promised to gradually lift the state of emergency in areas where the situation had improved.

During his speech in front of the nation, Djokovic noted that they focused only on Almaty, the old capital of the country.20,000 bandits“And we can examine by integrating whether the rebels, who acted in a way that disrupted public order, had a precise plan to attack the military, administrative and social facilities in practically all provinces.”High military product And the brutal cruelty of the rebels.

Djokovic thanked Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Russia. Meet His request for military assistance within the framework of the Joint Security Agreement (CSTO) agreed the day before to send peacekeeping forces to Kazakhstan; As well as China, Uzbekistan, Turkey, the UN and other international organizations have spoken words of support in the face of tragic events for their country.

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“Democracy is not about allowing, it’s about inciting people to do illegal things, even on blogs,” Kazakh said. “As the tragedy in Almaty and other cities in Kazakhstan shows, precisely because lawlessness, permitting and anarchy can lead to human rights violations,” the president stressed.

The protests in the country led to violence, clashes with police and looting. According to the latest information, 18 members of the Kazakh security forces They have lost their lives748 people were injured in the riots, with two uniformed men beheaded. Meanwhile, 3,706 people involved in the protest have been arrested.

The Kazakh Interior Ministry said 26 “criminals” had been killed and 18 “terrorists” wounded. Authorities also condemned the use of professional gunmen in attacks on uniformed people.