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Joint Security Agreement to send peacekeeping forces to Kazakhstan

Joint Security Agreement to send peacekeeping forces to Kazakhstan


5 ene 2022 21:55 GMT

The decision comes after Kazakh President Qasim-Yomat Dokov called on members of the military alliance to help amid unrest in the country.

Prime Minister of Armenia Nicole Pashinyan Announced He wrote on his Facebook page that the Council of the Joint Security Agreement had decided to send a military coalition peacekeeping force to Kazakhstan to help normalize the situation in Kazakhstan, which has been rocked by days of unrest.

The decision follows a move by Kazakh President Qasim-Yomar Tokyo He asked Assists member countries of the military alliance.

The Armenian leader wrote that the decision was based on Article 4 of the agreement with the group, which is in Central Asia for a limited time.

As noted in Article 4 of the CSTO, member states provide immediate support to a member, including military support. Attacked from the outside. In addition, Article 2 of the Convention provides that in the event of a threat to the security, stability, territorial integrity and sovereignty of one of the members of the Coalition, members shall conduct joint consultations to coordinate their actions.

Tension in the streets

Struggles in Kazakhstan They started On January 2, people demonstrated in the southwestern cities of Janochen and Aktov (Mankistov Province) against the sharp rise in the price of liquefied petroleum gas supplied to most vehicles in the area.

Two days later, protests turned violent in the country’s former capital, Almaty, and other cities and towns, with clashes between more serious groups and security forces, leaving people already wounded and dead. Between agents.

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President Qasim-Yomart Djokovic, I agree Resignation of government and Introduced Two-week state of emergency across the country, other activities. In addition, he labeled the most violent participants as “terrorists.”

Among other things, Djokovic accepted the political demands for the deliberate removal of former President Narsultan Nazarbayev, who held the life presidency of the National Security Council until January 5.

  • The Joint Security Agreement (CSTO) was formed by Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan.