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I’ve Lost Faith in Humanity – Rolling Stone

I’ve Lost Faith in Humanity – Rolling Stone

According to Bankrate, average cost NFL The ticket price is 457 USD. Drinks and snacks could easily net you another $100. And there really is no limit to what you can spend on goods.

The payout for these financial and emotional investments may come in waves of euphoria after the home team wins. Your dedication and money may result in fond memories of gates and parties on game day. It may be associated with holidays for some, with the tradition rooted in every reverence for an ancient religion.

But what is the cost when one continues to consider a player – or a team – embroiled in ugliness and controversy? What happens when there is a sharp juxtaposition between love of the game and distaste for one’s actions?

Although not the first to do so, many are Cleveland Browns Fans have mastered the art of self-deception when it comes to their new quarterback, Deshaun Watson. They willingly allow themselves to be ignorantly gassed for the sake of the game.

Well, there was no conviction, so we can’t know what really happened.

I don’t praise the player – I praise the team!

Everyone deserves a second chance.

At first glance, comments like this one might seem diplomatic, or maybe even helpful.

But just below the surface lies a darker truth: erasing hurt enhances a world in which those evils multiply.

Willful ignorance to ignore Brown fans Deshaun WatsonHer actions are the seed of a cultural shift that gives one man the benefit of the doubt over dozens of women.

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This is dangerous for many reasons.

Sue L. Robinson is a former United States District Judge who serves as the disciplinary officer for the NFLhad already highlighted the NFL’s finding that Watson “used his NFL player status as an excuse to engage in a deliberate pattern of predatory behavior toward multiple women,” and found that the league had established “Mr. Watson engaged in sexual assault ( As defined by the NFL)”.

So I ask, after my findings, and the cooperation of Watson’s victims with NFL investigators and Houston police investigators, how is his career restored now that his meager sentence?

Watson maintains his position that he is innocent throughout this story. How can he find redemption when he did not ask for forgiveness? The answer is simple: he cannot and does not deserve another chance.

He should not have been allowed to continue his career, but a precedent was set that talent trumps offense.

When I was asked to attend Watson’s return to the field on December 4th, I was outraged. The constant humiliation, despair, and anger of knowing I lost my profession because of him are my constant companions.

I didn’t just lose my livelihood. I also suffer from disabling social anxiety. If a stranger assaults me, how can I trust someone? I cannot.

How could I bear to see an abuser return to his glorious life—the same life that covered him with impunity for his actions?

Every day I wake up and ask myself what do I want out of this life, and I try to tell myself that I hold value as a person. Looking for hope, and reasons to survive. On many days, I am unable to meet these basic amenities.

How can my life have meaning when fans continue to support the return of Talented Beast? To say that I have lost faith in humanity would be an understatement.


At what point do we stop separating the player from the sport?

He must be at the point where he is hurting others. If not, we are deliberately altering cultural expectations that dangerous men may live without consequence, and that their victims should simply suffer and disappear.