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Glimpse into Ukraine and Britain, Macron proposes a new European entity

Glimpse into Ukraine and Britain, Macron proposes a new European entity

PARIS (Reuters) – French President Emmanuel Macron said on Monday he supports a new type of “European political community” that would allow countries outside the European Union, including Ukraine and Britain, to join the “European core”. Value.”

Speaking to the European Parliament in Strasbourg, Macron described his re-election last month as a sign that the French wanted more of Europe.

But he made it clear that Ukraine’s desire to join the bloc would take several years and as a result some hope should be given in the short term.

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“Ukraine, through its battle and courage, is already a loyal member of Europe, our family, our union,” Macron said.

French President Emmanuel Macron delivers a speech during the Conference on the Future of Europe and the release of his report containing proposals for reform, in Strasbourg, France, May 9, 2022. Ludovic Marin / Pool via REUTERS

“Even if we grant her candidate status tomorrow, we know very well that the process of letting her join will already take several years, possibly several decades.”

Rather than lower the strict criteria to allow countries to join faster, Macron proposed creating a parallel entity that could attract countries aspiring to join the bloc or, in an apparent reference to Britain, countries that have withdrawn from the union.

He said that this “European political community” would be open to democratic European countries that adhere to their core values ​​in areas such as political cooperation, security, cooperation in energy, transport, infrastructure investment or the movement of people.

“Accession to it will not necessarily prejudge future EU membership,” he said. It will not be closed to those who leave it.”

(Reporting by Tassilo Hamel and Elizabeth Pinault) Written by John Irish Editing by Sudeep Kar Gupta and Ingrid Melander

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