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Freedom Caravan leader Pat King broadcasts his arrest on social media

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Freedom Caravan leader Pat King was arrested during a police crackdown in Ottawa, Canada, on Friday – and he wanted the world to see it.

King, one of several prominent leaders in the trucking movement that swept Canada and attracted global attention, posted a video on Facebook when officers came to arrest him.

“I am detained by these officers now,” The king says in the videoAs the officer approaches. “I’m under arrest. We’ll talk to you soon.”

Moments ago, an officer announced his intentions.

Varney: Trudeau’s war with Canadian trucks is costing

“You’re under arrest, sir,” the officer said.

“Why?” asked the king.

King wrote in the commentary accompanying the post that he was arrested for mischief, advising to commit mischief, advising to commit obstruction of a police officer and counseling for disobeying court orders.

“I would like to call my lawyer on the phone right away… Do I have the right to hire a lawyer?” asks the king.

Pat King, organizer of the Freedom Caravan.  (Fox News)

Pat King, organizer of the Freedom Caravan. (Fox News)

The officer answers: “Of course you do.”

Soon the video is cut off.

King’s arrest appears to have followed the arrest of at least two of the caravan’s top organizers.

Other leaders arrested

Previously, the police arrested the organizers Tamara Leish And the Chris Barber Thursday.

CBC reported that Barber was released on bail and released Friday night on orders to leave Ottawa within 24 hours.

Leech remained in custody. Her court hearing on Friday was adjourned to 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, The report said.

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The Associated Press reported that buses loaded with police officers were taken Thursday to Parliament House in Ottawa, where workers have erected a fence to protect government buildings.

Police in the Canadian capital on Friday arrested about 100 protesters and towed vehicles, the Associated Press reported, with other trucks seen driving away amid a show of force.

The news service reported that most of those arrested were being held on charges of mischief.

previous video

Earlier on Friday, the king was Post a separate video Urge truck drivers to remain calm and remind them that they have the right to demonstrate against coronavirus rules and other restrictions – as long as they do so legally.


“I want to say to all four-wheel drive vehicles, and all four-wheel drive vehicles at the moment: You’re all fine. You have the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of protest,” King says in the video. “You can go up the hill, and you can be on the hill. Police officers won’t stop you if you’re acting lawfully under constitutional law. You can be there and still protest, guys. You’re allowed to go up the hill, so I ask everyone to head up the hill and start do your protest.”

Truckers in Canada have been demonstrating for about three weeks at several locations across the country, including last week at a major stop at the Ambassador Bridge, the US-Canada border crossing connecting Windsor, Ontario and Detroit.

The Associated Press contributed to this story.

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