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Fossy hopes he will live under Govt-19 control in a few months

Fossy hopes he will live under Govt-19 control in a few months
Govt control
Photo EFE

Anthony Fossie, chief epidemiologist at the U.S. government, believes The epidemic will undergo a change in the coming months This leads to continued survival with Covit-19, but keeps it under control and does not involve the social and economic barriers that it still causes.

During the press conference of the response committee against International spread At the White House, Fauci expressed his confidence in this situation. The expert stressed that all the data point to it The Omigron variant is less intense Than Delta.

But he warned that you do not have to be complacent, you have to be yourself All precautionary measures must be observed And stressed that those who are not vaccinated are at risk of serious illness or death.

More contagious

According to data released by Rochelle Valensky, director of the Center for Disease Control, the Omigran variant is hitting the United States hard. An average of 240,400 new cases In the past week, the number of hospital admissions has increased by 14% and deaths by 60%, more than the previous week.

However, Valensky supported the new CDC recommendations to reduce the isolation of asymptomatic victims to five days.

After remembering that The The spread is very high He assured that between two days before the onset of symptoms and five to five days after the last symptoms, the risk of infection is significantly reduced.

As he warned, P.C.R. Tests are positive for up to 12 weeks Then Infection. This does not mean that the infected person is infected.

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Vaccine stimulants

Anthony Fauzi insisted though Omigron is highly contagious, Vaccine boosters restore the level of protection needed by those who wear them in the event of infection, thus making such protection optimal.

That is why, although he did not want to speculate on the need for a fourth injection to keep the Covit-19 under control, he again asked everyone who had been vaccinated to receive a booster.

He was responding to a question from the media about the possibility We have to move gradually. “ Although that fourth dose may be needed later, you should now focus on getting a third dose or getting a vaccine that you have not yet done.

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