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Colombia’s military intelligence chief is investigating sexual abuse

Colombia’s military intelligence chief is investigating sexual abuse

The Colombian judiciary has launched a judicial inquiry against the Colombian military’s intelligence chief, who has been charged with sexually abusing a deputy officer and has promised that his complaint will be adjourned for a period of time in support of today’s general’s promotion. Today AFP.

This Thursday the Colombian Attorney General’s Office, the organization responsible for allowing public officers, took up the case of Officer Mario Gonzalez in a statement “on charges of misconduct against a retired lieutenant.”

The crime would have taken place in November 2017. Meanwhile, Colonel Gonzalez was reprimanded by Officer Jamie Munoz, who told prosecutors that his superior had mistreated his office after a ceremony at Army headquarters.

“He suddenly woke me up and tried to look under my clothes (…) and then he unbuttoned my back and started loving me and forcibly kissing me,” the woman said in an interview with W Radio.

According to his version, the lawsuit was filed before Congress approved Mario Gonzalez’s promotion to general in 2019. “The case has not been moved, the case has always been quiet and this year (2021), in August, I find that the case has been archived,” he said.

He said a lawyer tried to prevent him from pursuing his complaint because the offending officer has “too much power” and has a very influential circle.

Mario Gonzalez, according to La W. Media, denied the allegations and said the woman was “an organization” for refusing to transfer him. Neither the military nor the commander commented on the scandal in any other way.

For his part, the case confirmed to the AFP that it had completed its investigation into the complaint, which did not specify the reasons, but decided to reopen it last year.

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General Gonzalez has been the military’s intelligence chief since January 2020, when the unit of politicians, judges and journalists was given the post following allegations of illegal telephone eradication.