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Biden is inviting Taiwan to the 109-nation summit on democracy, which China insists is “wrong.”

Biden is inviting Taiwan to the 109-nation summit on democracy, which China insists is “wrong.”


24 November 2021 13:46 GMT

Beijing has stated opposition to using force or imposing sanctions on China.

On December 9 and 10, US President Joe Biden will preside over a virtual summit, which will be attended by leaders, activists and representatives of the private sector from other countries, where efforts to protect human rights and governance will take place. Discussed. And the Summit on Democracy He was invited Taiwan, along with 109 countries, is on the list of participants.

Washington does not recognize Taiwan as an independent state with its own administration, but maintains a policy of strategic ambiguity towards the island and the right to maintain special relations with Taipei. Own results.

Beijing insists that any talks with Taiwan that ignore the federal government violate the core policy of its one-China policy and the provisions of the three joint US-China statements.

This method is no exception: Xu Fenglian, a spokesman for China’s Taiwan Affairs Office, told a news conference on Wednesday that the US decision to invite Taiwan to an event on democracy was “a mistake.”

“We strongly oppose any official contact between the United States and the island, which is a clear and consistent position,” the Chinese official said, referring to the inclusion of Taipei in the list of participants, which appears to be next to sovereign states. If it has the status of an internationally recognized country.

Most countries, including Russia, recognize Taiwan as an integral part of the People’s Republic of China, which in turn considers Taiwan as its own province.

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According to writer Inaki Gil de San Vicente, a man known for his Marxist views, Washington was driven by selfishness in selecting guests for the summit and seeking benefits from the participation of various international actors.

“The United Nations is not participating because the United States, Great Britain, France, Germany, the world is emerging. The United Nations is already a threat to US imperialism, and North America does not have absolute power.”

Controversial island

The island of Taiwan has been autonomous with its own administration since 1949, and General Chiang Kai-shek (1887-1975) took refuge there after being defeated in a civil war by Mao Zedong’s Communists.

In the 1980s, the then President of the People’s Republic of China, Deng Xiaoping, proposed a policy of “one country, two organizations” to unite the country, including the coexistence of the political and economic models of the mainland China. Some regions, including Taiwan.

However, already under the leadership of Xi Jinping, the Asian giant leaned towards the need to affirm the policy of one China. The new approach, among other things, involves the erosion of Hong Kong’s independence, which has been rejected by Taiwanese authorities, who in recent years have chosen a more militant position towards China’s mainland.