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Two Venezuelans were injured in an accident in Nicaragua

Two Venezuelans were injured in an accident in Nicaragua

In the van with Managua license plates, there were ten Ecuadorians, two Venezuelans and two Pakistanis, as well as the injured driver; and were taken to an area hospital.

At least 14 migrants, mainly from Ecuador, were injured when the overcrowded truck they were traveling in crashed early Tuesday on the Nicaraguan side of the Rio San Juan on the border with Costa Rica, officials said.

The accident occurred at kilometer 223 of the highway from San Carlos, the departmental capital of Rio San Juan, to Managua, the capital of Nicaragua, when the truck overturned when it lost control, according to the police version.

In the van with Managua license plates, there were ten Ecuadorians, two Venezuelans and two Pakistanis, as well as the injured driver; and were taken to an area hospital.

Among the 14 injured migrants, the most seriously injured was a 36-year-old Pakistani who suffered from head injuries and polytrauma, for which he was transferred to the “Antonio Lenin Fonseca” National Reference Hospital in Managua, according to reports.

Injured Ecuadorians Carlos Alfredo Vera (31), Dylan Lucin Suarez (17), Tyler Guaman Ordonez (30), Tyler Waman Cardones (31); Felix Dario Cela Suarez (35), Henry Omar Guaman (25), Jimmy Agurio Pena Herrera (27), Jesus Alberto Lucin Lopez (29), Leonela Aguiza Robaila (23), and Luis Lon Lopez (41) have been released. By the Nicaraguan newspaper La Prensa.

Pakistanis Mohammad Matan (19) and seriously injured Wjih Ui Hassan Syed (36); and Carlisle Nailing Primera Oropeza (18) is one of the Venezuelan nationals.

Authorities have not released the name of the other Venezuelan or the driver of the truck, apparently Nicaraguan.

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The National Police has assumed that the driver was speeding.

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