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A poem by Disus and Miro, Kings of New York forever

A poem by Disus and Miro, Kings of New York forever

So, Desos and Miro Break up, break up. Their great talk show Showtime ended late at night after four somewhat revolutionary seasons. They are clearly very angry with each other. It is devastating. (Anna Kendrick Reportedly, accidentally involved; This part is just confusing.) The word destructive Not exaggerated. This is legitimate love dead, friendship is dead, or the perfect harmony of a talk show host is a dead moment. Even if you admit that that’s it Classic parachute projectionStill, just using that word again, is devastating. Frankly, I don’t want to talk about it.

Instead, I’d like to talk about how Desus and Miro made me cry for the first time with laughter about 2 minutes and 30 seconds into the first episode of Anything Hide. December 2013. Episode 1 (“THE WORLD PREMIERE”) of Desos vs. Meronew messy Complex A podcast that pairs, seemingly at random, with two very collective and connected online people in the early 1930s from the Bronx named Desus Nice (aka Daniel Baker, not married) and Kid Mero (aka Joel Martinez, married with two kids). ). “I feel like I have a lot more to offer than Twitter,” child Miro remarked at a The New York Times Profile personly Earlier that year, in a rare moment of hilarious understatement. (I mean the simple part was rare.)

podcast title Desos vs. Mero Implicit rivalry, or at least a healthy one, but no, within 150 seconds, it was clear that Desos and Miro actually had an inextricable and indomitable partnership with the best podcast host chemistry in podcast history. I understand, though: Desus & Mero vs. the scientist It could have been a more difficult title. In any case, their first target was J. Cole, whose new album has been instantly and enthusiastically compared to the noise of rainforests, the sounds of airport nature, and “lyrical Nyquil.”

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Disus: “Each verse is like a cup of warm milk with cinnamon on it, and you lay your head on Abelita’s chest.”

Miro: “They sell his CD at Bed Bath & Beyond.” (I sometimes paraphrase here a bit.)

Disus: Right in front when you enter. Ho he is behind. Bath and J. Cole Bed. His album comes in King, Queen, Full…”

Miro: “[Laughs uproariously.] “Yo, how many threads are on his album, doggie?”

Disus: “The Cursed Egyptian Linen by a Thousand Count”.

At this point I’m crying laughing. You probably started right when Miro started laughing. I remember this moment vividly: I was out for a walk in my neighborhood, it was freezing, I was dodging snowflakes on the sidewalk, my hands stuck in my coat pockets, my ear pads, shivering with laughter, my tears freezing on my face. I remember the overlap I was walking past when this all started. Sorry to do this about me for a moment, but that’s how social relationships work. I say again: Best podcast host chemistry in podcast history, 2 minutes and change in episode one. ampersand in Disus and Miro It became something shiny, cheerful, bulletproof and seemingly permanent.

Everything that Dessus and Miro did from that moment on felt inevitable, necessary and irreplaceable. The Complex Podcast (Mastermind, btw, by a legit and ex-genius ringer The Donnie Kwak group) lasted 40 single episodes and spawned a companion web series. Then the couple began their fashionable pouch, Bodega Boyswho drove over 250 episodes of massive camaraderie (“The Brand Is Strong!”) all the way through November 2021. Meanwhile: They hosted a messy, ecstatic-filled late-night TV talk show, Disus and Mirowhich – which Launched in October 2016 And it lasted until June 2018, when they took the circus to Showtime, to something approaching Big Time. renovated Disus and Miro It premiered on Showtime in 2019, With AOC as their opening guest. It was cool, but it’s still messy, it’s still loose, and it’s still two guys who are fiddling with bullshit, and still the funniest guys on planet earth making each other more fun in front of you, just for you. Disus and Miro and you.

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Choose your personal favorite moment in the midst of it all. your favourite targeting, I assume. Desus & Mero vs. Ben Carsonor Anthony Scaramuccior Academia DJor Academia DJ And the Joe Boden. On Showtime, they gave interviews BarakAnd the DenzelAnd the JesusAnd the (!!!) somethingAnd the BernieAnd the Maxineand dozens of other notable first names, all of their own brand (which also included a 2020 book called Arrows of knowledge at the level of God) I just got stronger. Even if you don’t subscribe to Showtime and/or watch the show religiously, it was very comforting to know Disus and Miro It was there, raging, still expanding, but still only two guys seemingly paired randomly from the Bronx destined to revolutionize late-night talk shows forever.

It’s not that they weren’t, you know, separate people, with their own personal projects and interests. I was a little shaken when Kid Miro appeared in the Clumsy but Beautiful 2020 movie on Netflix Vampires vs Bronxbut there he was, playing the surprisingly gentle Bodega Guy, and I was thrilled to see him, though a good part of his tenderness, asthenia, Was it that Decus was nowhere in sight. What a silly thing for me to think – what an unfair expectation, that these guys would spend their whole lives pulling this ampersand Disus and Miro We only turned around because we could only picture them together.

Yes, that’s too bad. I still don’t want to talk about it. Let us simply wish them both well in their surely wonderful future singles endeavors, and let us pause quietly and timidly for a moment when they put aside all the personal animosity and possibly associated with Anna Kendrick and reconcile, and let us console ourselves in the meantime back to the beginning, to the Big Bang, to our dear friend J. Cole. “he is he is What’s Beyond is probably still the funniest thing I’ve ever heard someone say on a podcast. It doesn’t matter which of them said that. Let’s say the ampersand said it. Let’s say it Desus and Miro, in all of their great iterations, she’s really been beyond after all the time.

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