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100 lashes and 7 years in prison: Unusual sentence for a Mexican man who was abused in Qatar while working on the World Cup

100 lashes and 7 years in prison: Unusual sentence for a Mexican man who was abused in Qatar while working on the World Cup


17 Feb 2022 16:47 GMT

An economist and anthropologist, he denounced receiving help from the Mexican government.

On the organizing committee of the World Cup, which starts on November 21, Mexican intellectual Paola Schietekat Sedas was sexually abused while working in Qatar.

But instead of punishing the invader, the authorities sentenced her to 100 lashes and seven years in prison.

Thanks to the fact that the economist, anthropologist and political scientist was able to leave Doha, this sentence was not fulfilled, but she could not return to the position of describing it as her “dream job”. Y Considers it unfair.

These events took place on June 6 last year, but were released by Schietekat Sedas. Article Recently, in it he described in detail what kind of violence he was subjected to, in which he recalled a previous abuse when he was a teenager.

I was 16 years old when my first boyfriend locked me in his apartment, raped me and threatened to kill me. After beating myself up for weeks leaving visible marks due to jealousy, ”he said to reaffirm the aggression that women experience.

From the previous abuse to Qatar

“I remember the way back home, I was wondering what I was going to say to my parents to justify the unanswered hours on the phone, how I was going to hide the marks because it was clear. , And because she was sexually abused, she, like many others, felt the guilt and shame of what had happened, “she added.

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Schietekat Sedas took a decade to share that experience, which cost him treatments, medications and the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.

“During those ten years, my occupier got married and gave birth to a daughter. I was so angry at myself for not reprimanding, loving and disrespecting me enough to condemn someone who had caused such harm. He added that it added fuel to the fire I had not touched and that I should not put it out.

The young woman continued her life. He studied professions such as international relations, behavioral sciences, anthropology and public policy in Mexico and abroad at universities in Kuwait and Oxford. Up He was hired as a behavioral economist on the World Cup Organizing Committee.

On the night of June 6, 2021, an acquaintance who was considered his girlfriend from the Latin community in Doha changed everything when he entered his apartment while he was asleep.

“After a short struggle, his strength was greater than mine. I finished on the floor. After a few hours, injuries appeared all over my left arm, shoulder and back. I was quiet: I told my mom, a co-worker at work, and documented everything with photos so that my memory, in a self-defense effort, could not minimize events or erase part of them altogether, “he explained.

Even Immediately condemned So he should not repeat the history of silence and impunity that covered up the abuse he suffered as a teenager.

Convicted of extramarital affair

With a medical certificate proving aggression, he went to the police station with the Mexican ambassador to Qatar, Louis Angona. Later, she was called back to the police station. They wanted to confront her with her occupant, who said they were dating and that she had agreed to enter the apartment.

Schietekat Sedas thus became accused from the accusers.

The problem is that extramarital affairs are a crime in Qatar. That was the concern of the guards who had already stated that no abuse had taken place.

With the help of the organizing committee of the World Cup and Human Rights Watch, he left the country on June 25 and returned to Mexico, where the authorities at no time helped him, despite his condemnation of negligence. And the inability of the embassy to function.

Convicted in his absence, the occupier was acquitted She was also sentenced to 100 lashes and seven years in prison. He was convicted of having an extramarital affair. In order to avoid punishment, his lawyer dared to recommend that he marry the abuser. Schietekat Sedas is still unbelievable.